Creating Heroes

Thylean Natives

     Dwarves, elves, gnomes and halflings are all descended from the original settlers or an outsider who arrived during the last five centuries. Half-elves are descended from a union between a native elf and native human. Since there are no orcs on Thylea, all half-orcs come from a small community in Mytros that has existed since its founding. Tieflings can come from a union between a mortal spellcaster and a fiend. A dragonborn is someone who has the blood of the original bronze dragons in their veins. The children of the dragons usually take on the characteristics of the race of their mortal parent, but sometimes they are born with a strong tie to their draconic ancestors.

Thylean Names

     Names in Thylea have a Greek flavor to them. This applies to both humans and non-human races. However, it is fine for players to choose names that follow a more traditional fantasy adventuring flavor or use something completely different: all of the native races are only a few centuries removed from their original homelands.

  • Male Names: Adonis, Adrian, Basil, Belen, Bemus, Calix, Claus, Corban, Cy, Damen, Darius, Demitrius, Deo, Dru, Egan, Estevan, Evan, Faustus, Giles, Gregory, Griffin, Isidore, Jace, Jorges, Julian, Kal, Karan, Keelan, Kyril, Lander, Layland, Leo, Magus, Mateo, Neo, Nicholas, Nicos, Odell, Orelius, Orrin, Pancras, Pearce, Philip, Quinn, Rastus, Sander, Santos, Sirius, Spiro, Stavros, Tadd, Tassos, Theo, Timon, Tyrone, Vitalis, and Xander.
  • Female Names: Adara, Adrianna, Aegea, Aria, Ava, Bryony, Cadie, Calista, Calla, Cara, Cleo, Dalia, Daria, Demi, Desa, Diana, Dora, Echo, Electra, Falana, Finn, Galena, Gemina, Halia, Hatria, Hester, Idylla, Iliana, Ina, Irene, Iria, Jacinda, Jenesis, Justina, Kaia, Kat, Kiersten, Lacie, Layna, Leah, Lyssa, Madelia, Mariam, Maya, Melani, Nara, Nora, Orelle, Pamela, Penelope, Petra, Rhoda, Seema, Selena, and Tabatha.

Thylean Outsiders

     Outsiders may lead difficult lives in Thylea. They often start their careers in the Forgotten Land with very little—for example, basic gear that they managed to cling to after a shipwreck. As in many societies, this visible poverty makes them objects of suspicion for the natives: who are these strangers, and what are they about to steal? Members of races that are rare in Thylea will face inevitable suspicion. In extreme cases, they will need to persuade the natives that they are not some monster sent as punishment by the gods.


     Provided that outsiders don’t run amok, the natives are likely to treat them with a degree of kindness: the rules of guest friendship apply even to those who wash ashore from shipwrecks. However, it’s easy for a stranger to run afoul of the conventions of Thylea— those of guest friendship in particular. For an outsider, it can be difficult to grasp the idea of being both the mortal enemy of “savage centaurs” and also a guest in a centaur camp. Worse yet, no one will explain that they will once again be fair game when they leave the camp on the next morning. This absolute standard of hospitality can be mistaken for weakness—a fatal error. Outsiders who abuse guest status will soon find everyone’s hand raised against them and curses raining down upon them.


     All Thylean natives understand the importance of oaths and the rules of civilized oath-taking. Because this is widely-understood (and therefore blindingly obvious), no one bothers to explain it. Outsiders may foolishly swear an oath, thinking that they are merely making a promise. In actuality, they are submitting to a solemn and binding vow. In this world, a hero’s word means something—it has real weight. Outsiders who learn this lesson quickly will survive and thrive. Those who fail to do so will find themselves at the mercy of the Furies.


     The gods of Thylea can also be unforgiving. Disrespecting or doubting divine power will provoke native superstition. Rightly so—for persistent doubt could well bring down the wrath of the gods. Openly practicing an outsider religion will also make natives uncomfortable. Denying the validity of Thylean religions will make their devotees fearful of divine anger. Being stupid enough to rob or desecrate a Thylean temple will infuriate both the gods and their native worshippers. Where the gods are concerned, caution is always preferred.


     But provided that outsiders obey the rules of civilized behavior, mind their manners, and do not make rash statements or promises, they can make something of their lives in Thylea—and even thrive.

Thylean Backstories

Barbarian—Tribal Warrior

     You come from the barbarian tribes on the margins of civilization. These tribes are made up of outsiders who occasionally washed up on the shores of Thylea in the centuries before the coming of the Dragonlords. Originally of all races and nationalities, your people fought on the side of the natives in the First War. Thus, you are treated with distrust by the civilized races.

Bard—Satyr Minstrel

     You are a wandering satyr minstrel, traveling across Thylea and sharing your music with whoever is willing to listen or play with you. You perform in the smoky taverns of human towns, and also in forest glades, for nymphs and other fey creatures.

Bard—Student of the Academy

     You are a student from the Academy in the city of Mytros. You learned from the masters there and have devoted yourself to knowledge, philosophy, beauty, and music.

Cleric—Priest of a Distant

     God You worship one of the gods of the world from outside of Thylea. The worship of this god was kept alive for generations within your family. Most view your veneration of an outside god with amusement, but there are those who think such worship should be stamped out.

Cleric—Priest of the Five Gods

     You worship the Five. You, and others like you, keep the faith alive by performing miracles and drawing upon the power of the Five. You are devoted to resisting the creeping influence of the Titans, Sydon and Lutheria.

Druid—Keeper of the Oldwood

     You are a member of the druidic order of the Oldwood. You are in tune with the mother goddess herself. You serve as an intermediary between the settlers and the native races of Thylea—satyrs, centaurs, and nymphs.

Druid—Centaur Mystic

     You are a centaur who believes that all races of Thylea can co-exist peacefully. You travel the human cities, spreading the faith of the mother goddess. It is a difficult life, as you are often confronted with fear and hatred.

Fighter—Warrior of Mytros

     You can come from almost any background: a warrior in the service of one of the kings, a retired veteran, or a member of the Mytros city guard. Whatever your station, by all the gods, you know how to fight.

Monk—Aresian Warrior

     You are a member of an ascetic sect of warriors who hail from the kingdom of Aresia. Aresians are considered the most dangerous warriors in all of Thylea, and you are proud of this reputation.

Paladin—Knight of the Five Gods

     You are one of the knights sworn to serve and protect the Five Gods. You were trained at the Temple of the Five in Mytros, and you are fiercely loyal to Queen Vallus, the goddess of wisdom.

Ranger—Amazon Warrior

     You are an Amazon from the island of Themis. You left the island when it was taken over by a death cult thirteen years ago. You are unfamiliar with the ways of men, simply because you have known very few of them.

Ranger—Oldwood Tracker

     You might belong to the druidic order of the Oldwood but, whether this is the case or not, you often work for one of the Thylean kings as a scout.

Rogue—Thief of Mytros

     You can have one of many origins: perhaps you are an outlaw who used to work with the thieves’ guild in Mytros; perhaps you recently quit a bandit gang or pirate crew; you might be a spy for one of the kings; or perhaps you grew up on the streets and are a self-taught practitioner of the light-fingered arts.

Sorcerer—Descendant of the Gods

     One of your ancestors was a god, and their power has manifested in your blood as an innate aptitude for magic.

Sorcerer—Exiled Satyr

     You are a satyr who was born with the gift of magic in your blood. Ostracized from your own people and driven from home, you left the fey lands to live amongst the civilized folk.

Warlock—Priest of Lutheria

     You once served as a priest of Lutheria. After leaving her service, you swore a pact with one of the dark powers that lurks in the Nether Sea.

Warlock—Servant of the Fates

You are a servant of the three ancient witches who dwell on the Island of the Fates.

Wizard—Academy Philosopher

     You learned magic at the Academy in Mytros. After finishing your studies, you may have stayed at the Academy as a teacher—or perhaps you wandered abroad, seeking new magic.